Supplemental Regulations

Region Supplemental Regulations & Event Rules

The following are region-specific supplemental rules. If you are looking for the CCR and class rules please visit this page on NASA Pro Racing. (Last updated: 1/3/2021 Changes in Red)

General Rules
  • Anyone driving on track must be a NASA member.
  • Helmets must be worn on track at all times.
  • Seat belts must be worn at all times while on track.
  • The Late Fee of $50 takes effect Saturday at Midnight prior to each event.
  • Online Sign Up closes Friday prior to each event.
  • A Late Fee of $50 applies to all on-site entries.
  • HPDE/Time Trial/School/Open Track/Race: Full refund less $30 processing fee within 7 days’ notice before the event.
  • Once a car goes on course the entry fee is not refundable.
  • A driver may be financially responsible for damage to the racing surface, track grounds, safety barriers, fire/safety equipment, and other related services/repairs.
  • A Gate Fee per person per weekend may apply at some events.
HPDE Drivers
  • Passengers allowed in HPDE 3 & 4 only.
  • Passengers must have signed the event waiver and wear a wristband.
    All Passengers must sign the Passenger Waiver and have Passenger Wristbands, available at Driver Info. There is a $5 fee for this privilege.
  • All HPDE cars must have their cars teched before going on track.
  • Any ASE Certified shop can complete your HPDE Tech form. Bring your car, the form, and helmet to tech for a spot review. This will lessen your time spent at Tech.
  • HPDE Tech Form:
  • Driver must attend all scheduled download meetings.
  • OEM Pop Up and other OEM roll bar types not listed in the CCR may be legal. If your car is on this list it is legal for use in HPDE:
Time Trial Drivers
  • All HPDE rules above apply to Time Trials.
  • Passengers are allowed in Time Trials.
  • A driver must score points in a minimum of 6 separate TT point “days” to be eligible for the regional championship and year-end awards. Typically each day of an event counts as one point paying competition for TT drivers.
  • The season finale will be split into morning and afternoon “point days” It will count as two races for the purpose of counting races toward the 6 race minimum required.
  • The NASA Championships final results count for one point paying finish toward the regional championship.
  • Trophies and NASA Winner Stickers are only presented for the first race on Saturday.
  • Protests of Time Trial vehicles or driver conduct must be made within 30 minutes of the last on-track session of the day. Protests must be submitted to the Race Director. The above rule sets a time limit on protests and is in addition to TTR Section 15.
    OEM Pop Up and other OEM roll bar types not listed in the CCR may be legal. If your car is on this list it is legal for use in HPDE:
  • All 1990-1997 Spec Miata that are legal per their sanctioning body class rules are allowed to race in TTE as long as they use 205 series tires.
Race Drivers
  • All events will have a minimum of two Contingency and Regional Championship points-paying races. Only the first race of each day count toward Contingency Payout. However, some events may differ from this standard rule. Changes will be announced at a Drivers Meeting.
  • Drivers may change class prior to the start of qualifying each day. No changes once qualifying has begun.
    A driver must score points in a minimum of 9 separate points-paying races in order to be eligible for the regional championship and year-end awards.
  • Drivers may count points from a maximum of 20 races for the MidAmerica Regional Championship.
  • The 2021 season finale will take place at Heartland and consist of at minimum two-point races on Saturday. If there is a point race Sunday all three will count as races for the purpose of counting races toward the 9 race minimum required.
  • All drivers in classes that require a dyno sheet and classification form are required to turn in a copy to Driver Info prior to qualifying at their first event of their season. It is the drivers’ responsibility to have proof of classification in their possession (classification form and dyno sheet where applicable).
  • The NASA Championships final results count for one point paying finish toward the regional championship.
    Race Director, Tech Chief, or your Series Director may sign contingency forms.
  • If there is any contact the drivers involved must pull into Impound immediately after the on-track session in which it occurred. If you are selected to be Teched then you may go through Tech but must proceed immediately to Impound and fill out a Body Contact Form.
  • The Driver’s Points tally will be made public.
  • Protests including mechanical (refer to CCR 17.5.1), driver conduct (disobeying flags, blocking, etc. – refer to CCR 25), or position affected because of contact must be made within 30 minutes of the end of the on-track session in which they occurred. Protests must be submitted to the Race Director.
  • Trophies and NASA Winner Stickers are only presented for the race on Saturday.
  • All 1990-1997 Spec Miata that are legal per their sanctioning body class rules are allowed to race in PTE as long as they use 205 series tires.

The following is in regard to rule and other areas of reference as it pertains to Time Trials(TT), Performance Touring (PT), and Super Touring (ST) competition.

  • reads as follows:
    • From the start of competition through the end of the post-competition inspection, vehicles may not have any adjustments or modifications made to systems that could alter the chassis dynamometer readings by changing horsepower levels (without the direct approval of the TT Director). Any hardware the allows a competitor or crew member to wirelessly or directly connect to the ECU (or alter ECU maps) at any time during competition or post-competition is strictly prohibited, regardless of whether such hardware is external or internal to the ECU, and regardless of the direction of data flow.
  • Purpose:
    • We are amending this section as our team feels it become prohibitive at a regional level competition to truly enforce compliance for all cars.
    • This supplement listed below will applies to all TT, PT & ST cars.
    • Violation of the Region Rules will result in disqualification of the car for the session in question.
  • The Region Rules amend as follows:
    • All data ports that transmit data to an external source must be taped with tamper-proof tape during competition. Your Series Director or their designee will provide the tape and supervise installation as needed.
    • If you need to break the tape for any reason you must contact your Series Director/Designee before doing so.
    • You will be provided with a cell phone number to call and your Series Director/Designee to quickly explain your reason for doing so.
    • Your Series Director/Designee will get to you ASAP to provide new tamper tape and re-sealing.

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